What They Are Saying
Westlake’s research study on wireless homeland security was published by Mission Critical Magazine. It was a lead article discussing first responder and government communication in place (or not in place) in case of a major natural disaster or terrorist attack on US soil.
It was discovered that our government and first responder services would be quickly overwhelmed and would not effectively be able to communicate pertinent breaking news that our communities and citizens would need to make informed decisions.
Download the Original Study Here
We offer separate services for government agencies today.
AIRmobility.net® – Data Collection, Forms, Field Force Management, GPS Tracking
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Case Study Highlights
Clear Channel Outdoor (NYSE: CCO) has implemented AIRmobility as a fully integrated back office solution helping track the completion of advertising changes on hundreds of thousands of billboards nationally. This has expanded to bus shelter maintenance, news racks, inventory and capital maintenance reporting. Our solution makes extensive use of photo capture, GPS tracking and bar code reading.
CIPS Marketing Group (Tribune / The Media Company) is the largest indirect direct-to-door distribution company in the nation, currently distributing more than 500,000,000 advertisements and product samples each year. AIRmobility is used as a tool to track millions of GPS coordinates every month to offer their customers complete proof-of-performance of services performed. Our solution includes back office integration, heavy driving routes, do not deliver information, and more, to handsets in a demanding 24 x 7 x 365 operation.
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